Silver Travertine Cobblestones

The cobblestones are rich in history.Cobblestones date back to ancient times, with many pre-Roman cobbled streets dating back to the 3rd and 4th centuries. They have been used worldwide throughout history,mainly in Europe but also in Latin America.They are still in use and carefully maintained.

If you like the idea of having natural stone on your property,which has been choosen over by hundreds of people over decades and even centuries, our travertine cobble stones are for you.  The resiliency and durability of travertine cobblestones are ideal for walkways, edging, courtyards and more.

Travertine Cobbles are small format pavers ideally used for pathways and walkways to create a traditional look. The small size makes them ideal for creating curved, circled and fan designs, so no matter the pattern you choose these cobblestones will add a unique and instant charm to your home.

Suitable for

  • Pathways
  • Walkays
  • Driveways
  • Courtyards
  • Garden paving
  • Pool surroundings
  • Two sides split and tumbled
  • All sides sawn and tumbled
  • 7,5x10x10 cm
  • 10x10x10 cm
  • 7,5x10x10 cm – 6,30 sqm/Crate
  • 10x10x10 cm – 6 sqm/Crate

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